Monday, 25 June 2012

Mud, A Meeting in Munster and Dusseldorf

Day 32 - June 25th 

Rain + Dirt = Mud and there was a concerning amount of mud on the main exits from the festival campground.  We made an early start after a somewhat unsettled night knowing that we had to somehow make our way out through the 10cm mud pit.  

While others slept we quickly packed up camp and started to make our way out.  Luke had one attempt at getting out the closest exit but lost momentum, making the wheels spin and he retreated early before digging a bigger hole.

On the opposite side of the enclosure we spotted a new opening and only a small amount of mud to contend with.  Luke easily got through it and we sighed with relief.  

Another bonus to the already successful morning was the 10-euro refund when you handed in a bag of rubbish.  We collected our cash and set off on our way to Munster to meet up with Belinda and Anna.  

For those of you who don’t know, Bee is my best friend from Australia who I met on Resort America program almost 10 years ago and Anna is Belinda’s friend from a student exchange program to Germany 12 years ago.

It was an easy drive to Munster and we found a parking spot without difficulty then rode the bikes into town.  It was a lovely reunion to see Belinda and Anna as the last time we had seen them was at Belinda and Nicks Wedding in September 2011.  

The girls meeting in the town square of Munster, Germany.

We strolled along the cobbled stone streets visiting the town cathedral while chatting away, stopped for lunch in the town square and then made our way back to the van when it started to rain.

We navigated our way to Dusseldorf, getting confused with the autobahns but finally made it to Anna and Sebastian’s house.  (Sebastian is Anna’s boyfriend)

Luke and I in Munster Town Square.

When Sebastian arrived home from work he took us to the supermarket where we stocked up on drinks and bought the ingredients to Chicken Parma’s.  The deal was to have an Aussie favorite for dinner and a traditional German breakfast the next morning. 

The Parma’s went down a treat as the five of us enjoyed catching up.  Later that night we Skyped Belinda’s husband Nick at the rude hour of 6am Australian time.  He was such a trooper barely awake taking Luke’s drunken banter. 

The girls hit the hay early and Luke (as he does) stayed up with Sebastian and finished the cherry liqueur, pack of smokes and a dozen beers while talking about cars, football and god knows what else! 

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